Documentation | Element CMF



composer php7 phalcon

Installation via composer

To install in your project, execute a command in the root of your project

composer create-project odvapro/element --no-dev

Server settings


Ensure mod_rewrite is enabled


Ensure php-file processing is active on your site. Add the following rows into your site's configuration file.

if ( $uri ~ "^/element(.*)" ) {
    set $elementPrefix "/element/public";
    set $elementExecFile "/index.html";
    set $elementFile $1;

if ( $uri ~ "^/element/api(.*)" ) {
    set $elementPrefix "/element/api";
    set $elementExecFile "/index.php";
    set $elementFile $1;

if ( $uri ~ "^/element/public(.*)" ) {
    set $elementPrefix "/element/public";
    set $elementExecFile "/index.html";
    set $elementFile $1;

location /element/ {
    try_files $elementPrefix$elementFile $elementPrefix$elementFile/ $elementPrefix$elementExecFile?$args;


Go to <your domain>/element/ If you are opening this address for the first time, you will see a form to configure a connection to a database Image of install form Fill in all of the fields and click the "Install" button


Then you will see the authorization form Image of auth form Login "admin", password "adminpass" After the authorization don't forget to change the standard password